Virtual Assistants are the trend now, and you should get one

If you’ve started moving your business online, you’ve most likely heard of Virtual Assistants. Let’s talk about them in detail.

What are  Virtual Assistants?

A Virtual Assistant is someone who provides various services to businesses both large and small. There are many things they can do within the business such as –

  • Calendar Management
  • Lifestyle Support
  • Operational Support on Systems
  • Prospecting Customers
  • Marketing Support
  • Social Media Management
  • Event Management and Webinars
  • Email Campaigns
  • Bookkeeping

And many more. They are highly capable people who can do so much more for you and your business. For a more in-depth breakdown of the individual tasks that VAs can do check out our blog on A Virtual Assistant is Necessary Now, We’ll Tell You Why

Where Do Virtual Assistants Work?

A VA is someone who works remotely.  That means, they only need a laptop and a good source for internet connectivity, and it’s set. With the emergence of the internet and technological advancements, businesses have realised that many business tasks can be undertaken remotely. You can find out why businesses hire virtual assistants

What's The Difference between a Personal Assistant and a Virtual Assistant?

They are similar to a personal assistant, however, there are some things they can’t do physically like make coffee or photocopy papers.  Many businesses are tapping into online, remote work to cut costs. Following the new normal, there have been less need for personal assistants.

Businesses need to learn to promote themselves through digital marketing. As a result, virtual assistants are becoming more necessary. Especially when systemising is also becoming necessary for online businesses. Find out why you should systemise your business.

Who Can Be Remote Workers?

Anybody can be one. What’s needed is a willingness to learn and upskilling where necessary. We provide free training to anyone located in the Philippines with the right attitude. Being a VA is a perfect opportunity for stay-at-home mums and dads. 

Key Takeaway

Virtual Assistants have been around for as long as remote work started on the internet. It’s a growing service that offers many perks to both employer and job seekers. To know more about virtual assistants, check out our YouTube channel Awaken2Business