The Inspiring Journey of


In the vibrant heart of the UK, Richard Evans, a seasoned corporate professional, identified a pivotal gap in the market— the underutilised potential of Virtual Assistants. This insight led to the creation of VaVaVoom in 2019, a visionary platform designed to connect skilled individuals seeking remote work with global businesses needing their talents.

Driven by a passion for flexibility and efficiency, Richard set out to solve the everyday challenges of remote hiring, such as cultural misunderstandings and ineffective communication. He meticulously developed a robust framework that facilitated smooth recruitment and training and ensured continuous support for Virtual Assistants and clients, fostering productive and harmonious working relationships.

VaVaVoom officially launched in March 2019 debuting a simple yet effective website and logo that heralded a new era for virtual assistance. Its positive reception confirmed the market’s readiness for this innovative service.

However, the true testament to VaVaVoom came in 2020 with the sudden global shift to remote work due to the pandemic. As businesses worldwide scrambled to adapt, VaVaVoom was uniquely positioned to assist, having championed this model from its inception. The crisis underscored the crucial role of Virtual Assistants, leading to significant growth for VaVaVoom as businesses sought to integrate remote work into their operations.

What truly distinguishes VaVaVoom is its unwavering commitment to unparalleled support and the exceptional quality of its Virtual Assistants. VaVaVoom’s core values—world-class support, world-class Virtual Assistants, communication, continuous development, trust, teamwork, giving back, and accountability—are integral to our unique “Focus Freedom Leadership” mentorship program, which enhances clients’ abilities to lead virtual teams effectively.

Today, VaVaVoom is more than just a business; it’s a thriving community that stands as a testament to the power of innovation and human connection in the digital age. It continues to expand globally, proving that anyone can thrive in an ever-evolving world with the proper support. 


Our Team

Richard’s expertise and role come to the forefront. As the CEO of Awaken 2 Business, the company behind VaVaVoom, he leverages his extensive experience in laying the groundwork, building strong company networks, and cultivating thriving business communities. VaVaVoom, reflects this commitment by employing a team of highly skilled and dedicated Filipino Virtual Assistants renowned for their honesty, work ethic, and commitment to continuous growth. 

Richard Evans

CEO, Awaken 2 Business

With over 25 years in health and wellness, starting with bodywork and eventually becoming an award-winning health coach in the NHS’s National Diabetes Prevention Programme, Sim has a track record of success. Beyond health coaching, she has expanded her expertise into property management since 2015. Now, at Awaken 2 Business, she leverages her diverse experience to contribute to broader business strategies. 

Sim Malin

Business Development Manager 

Andrea’s journey at VaVaVoom began as one of the company’s first Virtual Assistants when it started in 2019, where her enthusiasm, dedication, and brilliance quickly shone through. Today, she has grown into a multifaceted leader, serving as the Operations Director and HR Team Lead, playing a vital role in VaVaVoom’s continued success. 

Andrea Pios

Operations Director, VaVaVoom

Mariel’s 15-year corporate career provided a strong foundation for her transition to the VA world in 2020. Since joining VaVaVoom, she has blossomed into their most reliable Virtual Assistant, taking on the dual roles of Richard’s Executive Assistant and the company’s Director of Learning and Development. Her dedication and experience make her a valuable asset to the VaVaVoom team. 

Mariel Paulino

Training & Learning Development Director - Awaken2Business  Operations Director - Answer4Business 

Marconi, a seasoned IT specialist with over a decade of experience abroad, returned home seeking a work-from-home opportunity. As a founding member, he joined Awaken 2 Business in 2018, leveraging his expertise as their IT specialist, and seamlessly transitioned into VaVaVoom upon its launch in 2019.  
Today, Marconi is the IT Director and trusted tech troubleshooter, ensuring smooth operations across the board. 

Marconi Mangasar

Technical Director 

Meet Lawrence, our Finance Director, a sharp-minded individual who is well-versed in the intricacies of finance. With his expertise and keen insight, Lawrence is vital in steering our financial operations towards success. 

Lawrence Mundin

Finance Director