Real success from Virtual Opportunities: Types of Virtual Assistants

Real success from virtual opportunities: What type of Virtual Assistant can I be? 6 Types to choose from

One of our very own shared with us his thoughts about being a Virtual Assistant. We wished to share his insights and ideas about personal experiences and learnings as a member of the VaVaVoom VA community. It is our fervent hope that it can help in your journey to becoming one.

Even before the onset of the quarantine, you probably had an idea about being a Virtual Assistant and vaguely what they did. However, not a lot of people realise that this type of job offers a plethora of opportunities. It allows one to work in the comfort of their home. It offers up a chance to evaluate new career opportunities.

What are Virtual Assistants?

am not thankful for the pandemic, but we cannot hide that it was the main reason most of us are caught up in a virtual work setup. In my opinion, this is a good thing because it genuinely promotes a better work-life balance – something that we are all after. We no longer have to experience being stuck in traffic—imagine the time we were spending just to reach our office each day back and forth.

And that’s basically what a Virtual Assistant is – someone who can assist but in a virtual work setup. There are many types of Virtual Assistants, and you might just figure out that one of them is perfect for you. To some who are not fully aware of what being a Virtual Assistant is and are eager to learn more, let us identify its variation together.

Types of Virtual Assistants by Tasks

Administrative VA

Are you good at managing diaries, scheduling appointments, maintaining a database, and handling emails? Then a client out there might want to work with you as their Virtual Administrative Assistant. From its designation, Administrative VAs handles administrative tasks but remotely. This entails the client giving access to their CRMs (Customer Relationship Management system and email accounts). A highly recommended CRM that we use is Less Annoying CRM. You can check out information about it here.

Social Media Marketing VA

How much time do you spend on your social media each day? A Social Media Marketing Virtual Assistant creates content for their clients’ social media channels or draws up ideas for them. They’re also in charge of scheduling social media posts and monitoring their stats. But unlike most social media users, they get to earn a living through their social media experience.

Bookkeeping VA

You’re an accountant, huh? Why not try being a Virtual Bookkeeper? It must be fun knowing that you can stick to your current job while eliminating traffic. Handling accounts remotely isn’t as difficult as you may think. Online tools and software are abundant and will help you systemise the accounts from miles away. Although there is a bit of a learning curve here as most software requires training to use.

Research VA or Lead Generation VA

You can also do research to promote business growth. As the name suggests, it is called a Research Virtual Assistant. But special research VAs that can do lead generation can do more than just research. Lead generation VAs get to extract vital details and information that businesses may use in marketing and advertising. There are tools to use when doing lead generation and these specialised VAs know where and how to gather this information.

Customer Service VA

Maybe you are more of a customer service person who is good at managing customer communications. The virtual world offers opportunities to those who want to be Customer Service Virtual Assistants. You can also create an online community for your client, answer questions from the members and point them in the right direction. If you see yourself enjoying that kind of thing, you may want to be a Virtual Community Manager.

Real Estate VA

Lastly, suppose you are interested in real estate-related jobs, and you can handle both administrative and prospecting duties for your clients. In that case, a slot for being a Real Estate VA awaits you.

Key Takeaway

Have you encountered the type that fits you yet? Can you imagine how vast the virtual world is and its opportunities in store for you? It is indeed limitless, and once you get the hang of working remotely, you would surely not want to work in a corporate again. This is the perfect time for you to engage with the remote working industry, so go ahead and explore! If you are looking for a Virtual Assistant and would like some assistance, you may get in touch with us here.