Overcoming Your Work from Home Issues Now

Work From Home Issues: Overcome Them Now

Work from home is something that’s been getting a lot of attention recently. Although many people are getting into it, they also point out that work from home jobs have their challenges.

With the rise of online businesses and remote work, many have turned from office based jobs to work from home employment instead. While this may seem simple and easy at first, many new WFH employees realise that there is a different kind of struggle. If you’re someone who has just started your work from home career or someone struggling to balance it with family and home activities,  here are some tips that can help you. 

A flexible system is the best solution for work from home challenges

When you have a team who are working remotely, you may struggle to feel that people are productive. As a result, workers may also feel that people will judge them. There’s this tendency to think that they are slacking off and not getting any work done. However, the reality is that a remote worker, work just as hard if not harder compared to somebody in an office.

To take out the potential for burn out, you should allow your team to be flexible with their working hours. Since some people work well in different times of the day, allowing them to choose when to work will benefit everyone in the team. Naturally, this higher degree of flexibility will increase their productivity and will lessen stress when working

Daily Team Huddles 

Without the natural day-to-day contact with others in an office setting, your team may experience work from home burnout more quickly. In order to avoid that, as work from home experts we establish water cooler conversations over zoom. A 15-minute huddle done over zoom where you can discuss non work-related topics and just talk about anything that is going on will promote a great sense of camaraderie. To this effect, natural conversations will allow people to get to know their co-workers and humanise the workplace despite it being remote. 

Create an Organisation Chart 

With remote teams, people are working more in isolation. Nonetheless, creating an organisation chart that everybody can have can alleviate this challenge. Put pictures, roles, contact details and who they are reporting to, so the team understands what everybody’s place is within the team and what they do.

Using Time Tracking Software when you work from home

A time tracking software can record daily tasks, the clients they’re talking to and the tasks they are undertaking. This is advisable if you have hourly paid people. Some examples are Hubstaff and Time Doctor. You can also record your own time as well because it’s good to know what you spend your time
on and how you spend your day. You can see where you’re wasting time and where you can improve.

Key Takeaway

It always helps to educate yourself on things that you are unsure of. Find good sources of information on the internet. There is a lot out there. Here’s something to read if you want tips on how to be productive while working from home. You may also check out our YouTube channel at Awaken 2 Business for inspiration and knowledge on systems and software that can help you.