

Preparing yourself for the new normal

Preparing yourself for the new normal Prepare yourself for the new normal. There may be things that you could be doing now more efficiently to get your business ready for the new normal. Digital Clutter This is the time to go through your email. Check your inboxes and all of

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Tips on how to be productive while working from home

Tips on how to be productive while working from home The COVID-19 pandemic has led many companies to recommend that employees work from home. For many, remote work is a new reality and one that takes a lot of getting used to. For some, they have dreamed of working from

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Forget Hotels, Serviced Accommodations Offer So Much More

Forget Hotels, Serviced Accommodations Offer So Much More Hotels are passé. Once you get past the glitz and glamour of staying in a four or five-star hotel it’s all the same. When you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. Nonetheless, most travellers are blindsided by the additional costs that are

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Reasons Why Systemising Your Business Is A Must

Reasons Why Systemising Your Business Is A Must Systemising your business may seem like serious stuff, and you tell yourself that your business is fine just the way it is. You don’t see any reason for systemising your business. But let’s try to convince you why it is a must.

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